Hello World!
A brief description of the creation and architecture of my new personal website, and introduction to my new blog!

2 min read
Hey! My name is Josef, better known online as Village. I’m a software developer, avid reader, computer science student, and karate enthusiast, welcome to my website!
Rebuilding my website
About a year ago I built my first personal website, and to be honest it wasn’t very good. I had next to zero web development experience and it showed. Nothing fit together and all around it was a really clunky experience.
A year later though, I’ve built a number of other websites and have some idea of what I’m doing. So here we are, on a brand new website with a brand new blog and using some brand new technologies!
On my old site I used Cloudflare Pages, Remix, and Mantine, I’ve kept Cloudflare Pages (love the service!), but replaced Remix with Next.js, Mantine with Tailwind and shadcn-ui, and added contentlayer to the mix!
Overall, I love this new stack, even though I’ve had some rough edges around Next.js memory usage and getting things set up for deploying Next to Cloudflare Pages, and I plan to use it for all my upcoming projects!
This blog
I’ve never written a blog before, and I imagine it shows in what I’ve written in this post so far! I’m going to give it my best shot though, I plan to share my programming adventures, and maybe even some personal ones, going forwards. Everything from new projects, to completed products, to new jobs and just cool discoveries I find! Stay tuned if you want to follow along with me!
I’m really happy with how this site turned out, and very excited to discover the world of engineering blogs alongside it! If you want to check out what I did and how, the project page is available on my site here and includes a link to the GitHub repository. Happy exploring everyone!Hey! My name is Josef, better known online as Village. I’m a software developer, avid reader, computer science student, and karate enthusiast, welcome to my website!